Dealing With Loss, Grief And Bereavement

 Dealing With Loss, Grief And Bereavement 


Health Dealing With Loss, Grief And Bereavement Grief is a normal reaction to any kind of loss in our lives but it can be especially devastating when someone dies. However, Grief And Bereavement take many forms, and there is no right or wrong response to the death of a close relative, a friend - or even a pet. What Form Does Grief Or Bereavement Generally Take? Discussions of the grief process often refer to four general stages identified by experts namely, acceptance that the loss is real; experiencing the pain of grief; adjustment to life without the person who has died, and the stage at which less energy 

is put into grieving and the sufferer begins to settle into a new rhythm of life. These stages can sometimes be misunderstood. Acceptance, for example, does not necessarily mean that you return to your previous level of happiness – indeed, most people who have lost a loved one say that they have never completely recovered. Nonetheless, if you can find a way to cope with your loss and feel that your life is worth living once more, you can consider yourself to have reached a state of acceptance. The Bereavement Process Isn’t Always Predictable Everyone will experience grief in their own way and at their own pace.While most grief-stricken people do, at some point, go through each of the four stages, there is no set orderin which they will be experienced and the progression from one stage to the next will not necessarily be a smooth one. 

The shock and numbness that can greet the initial news of a loved one’s passing may be followed by overwhelming agitation and longing for the deceased and you may, for a while, find yourselfswitching back and forth betweenrelative calm and extreme upset. Anger, guilt, sadness, depression and emptiness are just some of the wide range of emotions associated with the bereavement process and it is natural to experience any or all of these. Talk To Me About Your Loss Grief is perhaps the most powerful emotion most of us will experience; it can feel like a physical injury, a ‘blow’, but just as most physical injuries will gradually heal, so it is with grief. Grief can,in its way, be an enriching experience.The realization that we have survived such a devastating event as the death of a loved one, can tell us that we are stronger than we knew and leave us 

better prepared to cope with other losses in our lives. While many people do eventually move on with their lives without the need to talk to anyone outside family and friends, some find theyneed a little extra help before they can feel better. Call 07710 01 99 33 today for an appointment with me, Tamar Posner;using my experiencewith Bereavement And Life’s Transitions I willhelp you cope better with your grief so that you can return to living a fulfilling life.


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